


Medical device development is a complex process where producing safe, high-quality devices is paramount.

Petracarbon supports your test requirement by efficiently integrating tester hardware and software with concerted effort to validate the test stimulus/measurement while adhering to the stringent test specs, without compromising on the test coverage.



Automotive device makers often uses sensors/actuators and specialised protocol in their competitive global market.  High volume production is the norm.  Safety is their utmost concern.

At Petracarbon, we work closely with our long time automotive customers to continually update on the test requirements and solutions, including test automation to shorten change over timing and overall throughput.  Our engineers can work with you to collectively improve on the test quality of the fixture hardware and software, to realise your test goals even as your product specifications progresses.


Industrial Control

Industrial control products mostly, if not always, involve high voltage input and switching.

Through the years, Petracarbon have accumulated the expertize from collaboration with our customers pertaining to the specialised trade in industrial control.

We are proud to provide high voltage test solutions in excess of 300Vdc associated with industrial control applications.  We have a team capable of automating your test requirements, eg. IGBT switching, controller programming, etc.

We have a team capable of providing high voltage test solutions in excess of 300Vdc associated with industrial control applications.


Mobile Equipment/ Consumer Electronics

Multifunction consumer devices such as smartphones, tablets, and wearable computer devices continue to play an increasingly pivotal role in our daily lives. Consumers expect each new generation of products to increase in capability while decreasing in cost. As a result, gaining and maintaining market share by releasing products to market faster while implementing the latest technology trends creates challenging scenarios where product design and test implementation begin to overlap.

As a result, Petracarbon work with our customers to implement cost effective test solutions that adapt latest test technologies to solve today’s test challenges like limited access.  Our test solutions strife to easily adapt to today’s common production variations throughout the development cycle.